Monday, December 17, 2007

Brazil 2009

At the request of Jane.

So I have decided to do an ironman. Last season was my first triathlon season and I did all lengths except an ironman. I was planning on trying to go to the Olympics in 2012 but with the changes that the USAT made I don't think that I will be able to get into pro racing in enough time to qualify. So in its place I have to decided to do an ironman. For those that don't know an ironman is 2.4mile swim, 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run. It is mentally and physically draining. I look forward to doing this just because I want to test myself mentally mostly to prepare me for my new job that I want to undertake. Most people know that I want to be a doctor, which has changed because I would be bored. I really just want the knowledge that a Doc has. My new job is a Combat Rescue Officer, they are an elite special force of the United States Air Force. They training is some of the toughest in the military. So by doing an ironman it will prepare me for some of the rigors of that training. So Joe one of my UH team members wanted to do an ironman and picked Brazil. I think Brazil is a great choice. Mostly because you get to treat it as a vacation! So I will start training really long distance in August. It would be nice to qualify for Kona at the same time but we will see how that works out. So if you want to do an ironman in a year and half then let me know and we will all sign up for Brazil. So to all that are training happy training.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


So as many of you may know running is not my favorite thing in the whole world. I enjoy running to run. But since I am so competitive I like to run fast, and that hurts. As I am a human I do not like to hurt. So I understand that it takes time to get fast and not hurt. So I work on it. And since this Triathlon season was my first it has left in really good shape. So I am able to run further and faster than ever. Which is really nice I still have much work to do to get to people like Liam or even Kelly. So I troud out and run listen to my music and think about my life. So here is the runners may your run be a beacon of hope and sanity in a crazy world. Hope all are ready for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lack of Emotion

So I have been kind of in a training lull and it is rather depressing. I have had to be in slow training just because my left knee has been bothering me. But that is all fixed now I just have been lacking desire to get out and train. Most of it is because of become used to lethargy. But I will wind my way up slowly and hopefully get back into speed. It is also hard because I really don't have to much planned as far as races. So here is to training and such. And for Jane's sack I will try and update this more.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Did you know Microsoft Word 2007 lets you write blogs and post them for you. How cool

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This will be my new bike. I am currently accepting donations in cash, credit card, check. Please donate to such a worthy cause. For those that don't know this is the new 2008 S-works Transition. It is a very nice bike and will be the envy of all at a race.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Longhorn Triathlon

This weekend was the ingugral Longhorn triathlon. It was amazing. Saturday we went up and meet with every and dropped off our bikes that Phillip had brought out in the Sugar Cycles trailer. Then we went and had dinner at Ramno's which was some good times between Lisa and I being super finky and bossy to our waiter. But there were good times and many laughs. Then I drove back to Bastrop where I was staying to get some sleep. After tossing and turning for a little while I finally got some sleep. Waking up was like clock work and everything went really smoothly. Got to the race set up my transition area which has gotten so much smoother from my first one in April of the year. I was ready although still very nervous. As the race got underway Liam and I were in the same wave. The water was like a bath tub. But the swim was amazing my sighting was dead on. I got into a nice even pace. 1:41/100m. Although both Liam and I agree that the swim was long but managed to get in 32 min, to Liam 29. So this a nice long run to the transition area. Where I hopped on my bike and headed out for a nice bike. I was keeping a good pace and didn't get passed by somebody in my age group till mile 15. I want a tri bike so bad. The hills were horrible but not unbearable. I came in at just over 3 hours which is not bad considering that I was on a road bike and it was hilly. Now come hell. The run course not only was it super hilly but it was also hot, humid, and poor running surface. Now add in the fact that it felt like mile 22-25 of my marathon which hurts so bad. I was suffering from an upset stomach. My legs would blow up half way up the hill. I stopped sweating and my heart rate dropped to the 120's while I was running. So needless to say I did a lot of walking. But I was determined to finsh even if I had to roll across the finish line. As were coming to mile 12 a guy bonked hard core in front of me and wanted to quit but I helped walk him in and he to is now a half iron man. Then my grandparents who drove me where ready to leave so I didn't get to hang out with the tri group to long after the race. But It was good times So I am happy with my 6:27 min time. It is slower than I wanted it to be but next time we will worry about time right now I was just happy to finish. Thanks to Phillip and Sugar Cycles for all of the work and support.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Taper is the best and worst thing ever. It is nice to finally be off this hellish schedule. But I have so much energy that I have actually had trouble going to sleep. So my last major race of the season is Sunday where I will be competing in the longhorn half ironman. Scary I know. My goal is under 5:10 this will get me a spot at half-max championships. Which will be fun. So hopefully it goes well I feel really prepared individually for each sport. I just hope that combined I do okay.
This tuesday was a fantastic day, I went running at memorial park(so many hot girls) I ran into Amy from Sugar Cycles. Then I joined her on the loop and rode with her and insert some guys name here(she was calling him honey) sorry don't remember his name. Helen, and Jane all from sugar cycles eventually caught up. Then as they were leaving I caught up with the UH team and rode for a total of 2:15 min. It was the best ride of all time. Thanks guys
Jane your bike is Amazing

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Need to get better

So last night was Emerson's party, I went and had a fabulous time. I got home at 4:30am, which is really late for me but oh well. This morning my alarm went off at 6 and I was surprising awake. Now comes the bad part I talked myself out of training. The sad part is I had to really convince myself not to exercise. Most people have the other problem. The question is why didn't I go exercise? So now I have to make up. So now before I go to the Cinco Ranch Tri tommorow I have to run a half marathon + a couple of miles. Then I have to go to a Tri, and then come home and bike for several hours then come home and get ready for work. I don't know why I do it to myself. I should have gone and biked this morning. Oh well.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Disney Marathon

This is the route that I will be taking for the Disney Marathon. It will be my second marathon. After this one only 48 more states to go.

School Sucks

I am so tired of school, I can not wait to be done. I am tired of hearing professors that have no clue what they are talking about and then testing us over it and then getting mad when we don't answer right because they are wrong so there correct answer is wrong. But then I failed my Logic test hard core. I went in ready and came out blah. I completely forgot how to do boxes in proofs they suck moving on. The good part of school is that there is a football game that I plan on attending and having a good ole time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Away for awhile

So I have been away for a while. So we have a month condensed into fantastic fun
Well it started and it sucks as ususal, but this year I have decided to get out and go to some games and hang with some people my own age. I even painted my Chest with a letter for the UH v. CS There is an awesome picture on the uh athletic page in the football game. you should go check it out. Just scroll through until you see the picture of the letters on people's chest I am one of them. So other than that school is fun.
Cougar Cycling- I am the tryguy and we have set up swim practices may be hosting a tri that is going good.
Training- Hard Hard Hard. I have been doing two and three a days to get ready for longhorn, so hopefully that goes well.
Work- Work is work, I swear the combined IQ of the entire island of Glaveston is 20. They call for the stupidest stuff, they are professionals at beating the system. It drives me crazy, not only that but the incrediably lazy people that I work with that have no consideration for other people. But that is neither here nor there.
So that is my life Train, School, Work I wish it wasn't so but I don't have a tricommune and haven't been invited to one yet so(Shameless plea) But I am looking forward to Longhorn and to hanging with the people at school.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Gone for two weeks

So I am taking yet another lull in my training, since I have been scattered all through out the country on various church trips, which have changed my life. I will be leaving for Mexico for two weeks. I am going to help build a church, get to play for the whole congregation on my guitar. Get to build a church. Then after that take a little R and R with a friend and then come back and go to school. will be the blog for the mission trip.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Salt Lake City

So haven't written in awhile. I spent a week in Salt Lake City,Utah. It is a gorgeous city. I took the High School Youth Group up there for the YU convention. It was an amazing experience. Although I had to walk like 4 miles each day so I didn't run as much as I would have liked. But the upside is I did read the 7th Harry Potter book. It is amazing I am really looking forward to see them come out as movies. But I spent over 48 hours in a 15 passenger van with 16 people yes I know that the math doesn't work out. There was a suicidal jumper that stopped all the traffic on the highway and lots of construction and then gas tanks exploding on the way home. It was interesting to see all the things that happened on our trip. That is what makes road trips so much fun. So now I am back and back to work. But since I am leaving for Mexico City in three weeks I have to work like a mad man. So I won't be getting much training in. But after Mexico city I am all over training.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Plan X

So when it comes to racing you always have a primary plan and a secondary plan. Well today I had to fall back to plan X. Plan X is everything you have to finish. Saturday I was feeling great I went out for a nice run and then came back and did a little stretch out swim. I took a shower finished getting ready for tommorow. Then stretched and went to bed. I slept well enough got up after a few hits of the snooze.
I set it that way because when I have to get up at work it is a have to get out of bed situation so I like to relax in bed for a little bit when I am not at work.
I got up ate breakfast and was feeling really good, aired up the tires and loaded the bike and off I went. I set up transition I was one of the first so I got a good spot. I went and warmed up and felt like the king of the world.
So the race starts, and I wait and wait for nearly 30 min unit it is my wave. So I start on dry land and have a good swim. I make the .25 mile run to transition. Find all of my stuff on the ground since I was in the next to last wave everybody is gone. The bike start off really hard and never got any easier. I couldn't understand why I was working so hard. Then I saw that the rear brake was rubbing on the tire. So I stopped and fixed that. The damage had been done. I started to get dizzy a little after that. I finished the bike and had a quick transition. (The new trivent shoes are awesome.) So hoping that the dizzyness had subsided I took off to be at my 6:30 pace. After a quater mile I knew that one wasn't going to happen so I backed off a little bit. Still I was getting dizzier. The whole world was spinning. So I would run as long as I could and then I would have to walk otherwise my stomach would be laying on the ground. So coming through the finish was interesting but I finished and sometimes that is all that you can do. Not every race can finish strong. So hopefully the next race wil be better

Friday, July 13, 2007

Busy Day Followed by Wet Ride

I don't understand why people don't sleep in Galveston, but they don't. So I got around 2.5 hours of sleep. No biggie if I can come home and sleep but I can't have a busy day on Thursday. I get home late because of late call, eat some food, run to the good ole YMCA swim a relaxed mile, afterwards run back home, my left leg is still bothering me. Get home eat food ( I really like food) take a shower. Drive all the way to Sugar Cycles and pick up Philip's sweet specialized transition, and some racing wheels. Home sweet home crawl on the couch and sleep. Wake up late for riding with my Uncle, dang it. Today is supposed to be a moderately hard ride with a few Kemah Bridges to get a good bike ride in. Cruisin everything is going great the bike is riding great I am feeling really good. On the way home soakin wet, good ole Texas Weather, nothing like riding home in a monsoon. All is well made it home nice and safe sip some Endurox and take another shower. Then surrender to the couch again for more sleep.