Friday, October 5, 2007


Taper is the best and worst thing ever. It is nice to finally be off this hellish schedule. But I have so much energy that I have actually had trouble going to sleep. So my last major race of the season is Sunday where I will be competing in the longhorn half ironman. Scary I know. My goal is under 5:10 this will get me a spot at half-max championships. Which will be fun. So hopefully it goes well I feel really prepared individually for each sport. I just hope that combined I do okay.
This tuesday was a fantastic day, I went running at memorial park(so many hot girls) I ran into Amy from Sugar Cycles. Then I joined her on the loop and rode with her and insert some guys name here(she was calling him honey) sorry don't remember his name. Helen, and Jane all from sugar cycles eventually caught up. Then as they were leaving I caught up with the UH team and rode for a total of 2:15 min. It was the best ride of all time. Thanks guys
Jane your bike is Amazing

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